adost n kili s rts rafts
adost n kili s rts rafts

Driven by the magical impact of patterns, following the paths of ethnographic knowledge we share with you woven myths and unique language of ornaments.

Driven by the magical impact of patterns, following the paths of ethnographic knowledge we share with you woven myths and unique language of ornaments.

CuratedCurated selection
of fine BalkanicBalkanic Kilims,
textiles && OrientalOriental rugs

CuratedCurated selection of
fine BalkanicBalkanic Textiles

Pirotski cilim

(001) Driven by the magical impact of patterns, following the paths of ethnographic knowledge we share with you woven myths and unique language of ornaments.

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    Belgrade based
    shop, onlyonly by

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    HomeHome is
    where you
    set youryour KilimKilim

    Home to go – Fold and pack in a backpack.
    Kilims are flatwoven tapestries, light yet durable and easy to carry around. We always have at least one when on the road.


    balkan kilims & weavings collection / Curated sellection of fine antique and vintage kilims and weavings from the region. Great emphasis of the collection are Pirot kilims, market often misinterpretes as sarkoy.

    Oriental Rugs & Weavings

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